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Primum Non Nocere

Image: source It is believed that either Hippocrates, considered as the father of medicine, or one of his pupils wrote what is popularly known as the Hippocratic Oath, a solemn oath known to be taken by people in the medical profession, doctors in particular at least. The medical profession was long considered the noblest, with doctors…

A Sense of Security

Scene 1: [http://ow.ly/gjkW7] manmohan singh to sushil kumar shinde: “ensure sense of security in Delhi” sushil kumar shinde: [nonchalantly] ok Life goes on as usual. Public: what about other cities, towns, and the country; genius? Scene 2: [http://ow.ly/gjkxc] manmohan singh to sushil kumar shinde: [long silence] sushil kumar shinde to public: bullshit, bullshit, bullshit You’re not…