Who Does Recruiting Best?
Who Does Recruiting Best?
An acquaintance on LinkedIn recently tagged me and some others including a friend, on a post. It was about how design thinking and good practices are applied to several areas of any business, but how recruiting often goes neglected. He said that hiring managers and candidates were often unhappy with the hiring process. He also inquired if design thinking could be applied to improve it.
Here were my thoughts.
Hiring is perceived as complex (and so might qualify as a design thinking problem). But I believe it’s simpler than we make it seem. If only stakeholders – the organization, the hiring manager(s) & candidates are more real. And they give (af) to make hiring and the ensuing job more effective.
Consider an army. I suppose you might agree that it can be considered an HR function? Candidates apply to serve it to their best capability, or as a means to a steady pay or secure career. And yet, many of the candidates are ready to kill or die for the organization (and the underlying ‘country sentiment’).
The difference (and possible solution), I think, lies in the process. The army is clear about the requirement and quality of recruits needed. And they don’t compromise on it with candidates they recruit. So the process is robust, grueling, and without bias or influence. That way, only serious candidates apply, and only the best fits make it through. And those who do, are inherently more likely to give it their best. That is because they have earned their place there. As opposed to getting lucky, using influence or ‘working the system by saying what the HR manager wants to hear’.


If you run or manage a business, and innovation, strategy, problem-solving, customer experience or ideation are areas of interest, there are a few ways I can help. More about it here.
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