
Don’t be Kupamanduka

Don’t be Kupamanduka When someone just joins your organisation, get their first impression of their experience within a few days of joining. Then, after you run them through the standard tour and the paces, and get another view within a month or two. See if there is a significant drop in the ‘illusion’. And if…

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Fierce Competition

Fierce Competition A lot of companies face problems from time to time. Let’s focus on problems that are controllable, i.e., outside of those to do with a declining economy, financial meltdowns, etc. In such situations, many business leaders have had to address shareholder concerns. And many of them justify the situation as ‘witnessing fierce competition’,…

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Work to be Hired

One of the early screening processes to make it to the defense forces, is that of physical fitness. It is one of the more fundamental requirements of the job. Of course, subsequently, those who make the cut are broken down and rebuilt to be stronger, both mentally and physically. In the corporate battlefield, potential candidates are put…