Holy How?!
Holy How?!
Does god exist?
I personally do believe in faith, and in a higher power, but one without a name or face. Culture and upbringing however, do tend to influence that faith with names and appearances.
Unlike popular belief, India does not have 330 million gods. But of the comparatively fewer we do, festivals are celebrated in the grandest ways imaginable. The next few months marks some major religious festivals, including Janmasthami (just went by), Ganesh Chaturthi and Dussehra. The days on which these festivals are celebrated each year are determined by the Hindu calendar, and not the Gregorian calendar which is followed for all other purposes. And each year, in reference to the dates on the Gregorian calendar, festival dates can vary from a few days to a few weeks (Dussehra, for instance, fell on Oct. 24th last year as per the Gregorian calendar, and it is on Oct 14 this year).
Now we have all come across sensational news stories, of deities drinking water and milk, of others crying blood, and of some appearing in the sky. And yet, more often than not, Science has had a fairly sorted out explanation for most, if not all these ‘miracles’. So, apart from Science, do other gods exist too? 😉
Believe it or not, but when it comes some festivals here in India, every single year, it always rains around midnight on Janmashtami (barring a few exceptions like this year) and during Ganesh Chaturthi. And it’s not just light random drizzles. It often pours on those days. And till a day before, you could have sworn the monsoons had passed. Holy chow, aye?
Interesting? So, the question of whether god exists or not, wasn’t to spark a debate, but to see if you have a logical explanation for this one?
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Welcome to Atheisum 2.0, where you enjoy the benefits of Non-Atheist too. http://www.ted.com/talks/alain_de_botton_atheism_2_0.html So pay a visit to mandir enjoy the architecture and relish the prasad.
Haha. Thanks for the interesting comment, Arun.! That TED talk is really good, huh? Very true. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Atheism 2.0, except that the believers and atheists 1.0 cautiously guard their territories, often being offended by anyone who undermines their belief or the lack of it. But the good thing is, those beliefs have a high depreciation rate, in the sense, with each generation, there is a significant loss of such beliefs, thus making it easier for the next generation to consider a mix-and-match, or a completely different path. But yes, while individuals change the course of their belief to varying extents during their lives, you do see significant jumps happen from one generation to the next. A few generations down, there might be completely new sets of religions in the world, taking the best of many. Many of today’s regions might cease to exist in their current form.
Thanks again for your comment.