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Think A-Team: The Latest Services Menu for Startups

Think A-Team: The Latest Services Menu for Startups

Hi Entrepreneurs!

Late last year, I started a service called ‘Think A-Team’, to bring human-centered design strategy & other relevant services in a transparent manner to aspiring entrepreneurs & enterprising startups in India and abroad, to help them grow faster and better.

One of the key This has been possible by using available technology to considerably reduce everything from physical meetings, total execution time, and even paper (except Post-it notes!). The ‘Think A-Team’ website also makes it easy to request and pay for services.

Towards this effort, I have had the privilege of working with some really interesting companies on their growth journey. Including some where the client and me have never met in person!

I am now confident that this model works. Going forward, my focus will continue to be on making the services increasingly effective. As also, they will be relevant & accessible to needs of young, innovative companies in the years to come.

Below is the updated list of services I am offering via Think A-Team. Get in touch today to request one or more!

Do note that limited assignment slots are available every month. So call or email if you would like to reserve one.

I also request you to kindly spread the word to any startups that you feel would benefit from these services.

Thank you!


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