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Part 4: A bit about my journey for Young Change-makers

Part 4 of a series of posts aimed at young professionals. The world is getting increasingly confusing. Here are some of my learnings. In the last post (here), I mentioned the need for taking bold/ tough decisions. And the benefits they bring. And that you can’t usually create your best work from a place of…

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Part 3: A bit about my journey for Young Change-makers

Part 3 of a series of posts aimed at young professionals. The world is getting increasingly confusing. Here are some of my learnings. Previous post here. As an innovation and strategy consultant, I have had the occasional prospect haggle over fees from day one. When one of the first prospects reached out within days of…

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Part 2: A bit about my journey for Young Change-makers

Part 2 of a series of posts for young professionals and entrepreneurs. Reflections from 12 years as a freelance innovation and strategy consultant in an increasingly chaotic world. As I mentioned in my last post, to find your niche, you need to explore diverse work first, then narrow your focus. In the early days of…

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Part 1: A bit about my journey for Young Change-makers

Starting broad and following your instincts can lead you to your true niche. Instead of rushing to define yourself, embrace the exploration process—it can open doors you never expected.

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What if You Ignored Analytics for a Second?

What if the analytics you obsess over isn’t even close to the whole picture? Put differently, what if you ignored it and focused on something better? I took a leap, disregarded the pressure of numbers, and focused on quality over consistency—and it made a difference.

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On Seeking Advice

Image: source When seeking advice, especially from someone you believe can offer great perspective, stick to gaining clarity on the big questions you need help figuring out. The advice you receive is obviously for you to consider, not to blindly implement. And especially not for you to defend when receiving it. Clarify if you think…

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The Hostile World for Women

The normal-seeming world of us men is often a battle zone that most women need to navigate each day.
Places and experiences we might not give a second thought about, can be horribly taxing on the attentional space of women.
We all need to educate, be considerate, and design safer and more thoughtful spaces and processes for them.

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A Forward: What is Butt Dust?

Image: link I had shared this forward on social media a few years ago, and it popped back up today. Apart from the innocence, simplicity and being purely hilarious, it is a nice example of the recognition stage of ’empathy’, a term we behaviour and design thinking folk throw around a lot. Situations we accept…