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Customer Feedback, Ratings and Reviews

Here in India, we citizens as consumers don’t quite take customer feedback as seriously yet, as they do in some other countries. In my first job for a short stint at a BPO in Bangalore, I was puzzled to find out that random surveys went out to retail customers of our Hewlett Packard products in…

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Video Shorts – Discontinued Products Section

A cool feature I came across on a website, that is highly recommended especially for product companies that have a large and evolving portfolio. #servicedesign #userexperience #b2c #b2b #shorts

My Book on Design Thinking titled ‘Design the Future’

Design the Future Hi! As some of you might already know, my book on design thinking, titled ‘Design the Future’ is out! Despite design thinking being several decades old, we are seeing increasing relevance in its application in our fast-paced lives today. I’ve read incredible books on the subject in the years I’ve been practicing…

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What’s Your Profession? Did You Bring More Soldiers?

What’s Your Profession? Did You Bring More Soldiers? In 1970s, according to the TV series Mindhunter at least, the FBI was filled with accountants & lawyers instead of more relevant experts in areas that mattered. That is, in place of behavioral analysts. That seems to have been the case with the Indian Venture Capital industry…

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What the Customer Wants

What the Customer Wants There has been the occasional debate between two schools of thought: You need to ask the customer what he/she wants; and, The customer doesn’t know what he/she wants until we show them (remember ol Steve Jobs?) A bulk of the views I’ve come across so far lie on the side of…

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The Up Side of Consulting

The Up Side of Consulting Here’s a post I had drafted for submitting as a resource to MosaicHub, in response to their call to members for ‘the Top 5 things businesses need to know about your area of expertise’. Here are five top thoughts that we at the A-Team, believe would be beneficial for businesses who engage…


Serves you Right

“Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the client or customer gets out of it.” – Peter Drucker We recently bought a cordless telephone from Croma (for the uninitiated, Croma comes under the Tata umbrella). Took it back home and it was not working. Late next…


Business – whenever, wherever

If you got to start your business, you can’t always wait for real estate prices to be right. Sometimes, you just start..Wherever.! (Saw this on some random inner road on the outskirts of Pune) For those still wondering, that is a car covered with clothes that a man is trying to sell to passers by….

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Layers of BS

Ever realized how much time we spend each day either building a thick layer of ‘unnecessary’, and/ or scraping a thick layer of it. Rather than build quality products and services, we tend to build our own imaginary features, declare our products/ services to be the absolute best without the real stuff to prove it. Facts…

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We Deliver.!

We Deliver.! Several years back, I used to work in the ever so famous BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) Industry in one of India’s IT hotbeds, Bangalore. My job involved providing technical assistance to North American customers of our pretty impressive all-in-one printer range. There was a time I wondered if the monotony could leave me…