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Trial Biking and the One-Inch Punch

What’s the similarity between trial biking and the one-inch punch? Is there any similarity? I believe so. I have always enjoyed watching trial bike events on TV (check the clip, not to be mistaken with trail biking). It is fascinating to watch riders mix slow and fast on their motorcycles with exceptional balance and control,…

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Holy How?!

Holy How?! Does god exist? I personally do believe in faith, and in a higher power, but one without a name or face. Culture and upbringing however, do tend to influence that faith with names and appearances.  Unlike popular belief, India does not have 330 million gods. But of the comparatively fewer we do, festivals are celebrated in the grandest ways imaginable. The…


We can be Heroes

We can be Heroes Industry bigwigs, public figures, influential people, media celebrities among others, carry with their success, power and fame, certain unspoken responsibilities towards others, especially those not as fortunate. Those responsibilities include always acting in a fair and just manner. And avoiding any form of oppression, directly or by way of others. This post is for all you salman khan…

The Ultimate Power

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it–always.” – Mahatma Gandhi A friend of mine recently came across an article titled ‘The…