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In Memoriam: Mr. Ramesh C Sarin

  One of my mentors, Mr. Ramesh C. Sarin passed away on the 10th of April this year. He was already long retired when I first met him. And he had this rare, dignified personality that reflected a wonderful blend of an unimaginably impressive corporate journey that he had had; and plenty of humility and…

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Hope you don’t have a Rolled Model?

Hope you don’t have a Rolled Model? We all have role models? Well, at least most of us do. And can we ever admire them enough? While it’s great if you have idols or role models, something I suggest to friends and acquaintances is that you should not be amazed by your role models. Instead, find out what it is about…


We can be Heroes

We can be Heroes Industry bigwigs, public figures, influential people, media celebrities among others, carry with their success, power and fame, certain unspoken responsibilities towards others, especially those not as fortunate. Those responsibilities include always acting in a fair and just manner. And avoiding any form of oppression, directly or by way of others. This post is for all you salman khan…