
Sunset Marmalade

Sunset Marmalade

Why are some brands killing the obvious in packaging design?

If anything is better than the taste of orange marmalade in the morning, it is the sight of it in the jar. Like a beautiful sunset. With strands of peel as if in suspended animation.

However, some leading Indian brands, and probably many others too in India and abroad, tend to put an ugly plastic label all around the jar, with the pictures of oranges and probably some marmalade too on it. Why not just let the product you’ve created, speak for itself?

A beautiful looking product like that, in a transparent jar, would sell itself. So why take the trouble to cover it up completely? Not like it is an excuse for the design, marketing and packaging folk to justify their jobs and salaries. It’s like those people who order an exceptionally tasty dish at a restaurant, and instead of diving right in, spend the next few minutes getting a perfect snap of the food. And then eat the food while distracted by the editing of the picture for social media.

Look at the bottom of the bottle, at the marmalade below the label. That’s what I’m talking about.


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  1. Because they think the consumers are so dumb that they have to show oranges for them to understand. Just the marmalade with orange peels showing and glowing like sunset cannot be taken as orange marmalade

    1. Hahaha. There was an interesting possibility a friend pointed out. Just a possible reason for those disastrous labels. That companies feel people might not like the view as the contents get consumed. I felt it might be the case with foods that are possibly unhealthy (too fatty or too sweet), that companies might be reluctant to trigger in customers, a reminder to stop eating these foods. With a bland label, you don’t really see much of the contents, so as soon as the jar is almost over, you mechanically buy more. What do you think of this possibility?

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