Heel Rollers – Not a great Design
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It’s brilliant how a fuel hike causes such chaos the night before the hike. Kilometre-long lines of people waiting to pack in as much fuel as they possibly can before it gets dearer. And while it’s illegal to fill cans with fuel, does it actually make so much sense to burn fuel for well over…
Rate Wisely Imagine the simple process of rating a book you’ve just read. Let’s say it is a non-fiction. Perhaps a business or even a self-help kind of book. The normal tendency would be that if it has even an average amount of useful stuff, you’d give it a good rating. Especially if it contained…
Job Quotas or Meritocratic Politics? Image: source Developed countries continue to struggle to identify industries, areas of business, skillsets and employment opportunities that will make their workforce, abilities and manufacturing resources relevant again in a world of cheap labor and low cost manufacturing from developing countries. At such times, instead of leveraging the inherent potentials…
Dark Knight Rising, Batpod Skidding You know how we sometimes have a tendency to give our ‘expert’ views on something that already seems perfect, and how, according to us, it could have still been better? Experts will agree that in areas of personal strengths and weaknesses, it is always better to focus on our strengths rather than our weaknesses. But in some other…
With 30–40% of seniors facing constipation, could the design of modern toilets be contributing to the problem? The squat toilet, long used across cultures, may offer a solution that’s often overlooked in favor of more “comfortable” Western designs.
Startup Service Aggregators Image: source Startups with business models revolving around aggregating services might have their days numbered. Unless they offer a significant additional benefit (than the underlying services they aggregate) to end consumers. Because without it, they’re just tech-backed middlemen looking for their share of the pie for connecting parties. This might be a…