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What’s the Worst that could Happen with Poorly Worded Menu Options?

Choices on mobile apps (also on any app) need to be worded appropriately so as not to cause any confusion in the user. This menu option on a sleep tracking app seemed to be a clean way to do it. A simple line that explains each option when selected. What’s the worst that could happen…

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The Paradox of Colour Choices

Many of us are familiar with the paradox of choice, whether or not we have heard of the phrase itself. The paradox of choice, is our tendency to believe that more options or variants or choices in a given situation or purchase event is a good thing. After all, who wouldn’t want more flavours in…

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Where Do We Go Now?

Where Do We Go Now? Google’s AdSense program let’s publishers or website owners have relevant ads show up when users visit those sites. Google earns revenues (via their Google Ads – previously AdWords platform) from businesses wanting those ads showing up to relevant customer groups. In turn, they pass on some of that revenue (based…

Bonded Labour vs Freed Slaves

Bonded Labour vs Freed Slaves There is a task to be done. One dependent variable is whether the task is an enjoyable one or not. Then there is the quality of the completed task. Then there is enthusiasm. The excitement and energy we have and channel towards the task. And finally, there is, the ability…