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Choose Your Mistakes

Choose your mistakes. Life has made a lot of things extremely easy to start. Even the seemingly most impossible of tasks. The knowledge and resources available to us increase our confidence multi-fold, and daunting initiatives don’t look so big anymore. So yes, starting anything is damn easy. What’s the tough part? The toughest bit of it all, is to…

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Form or Function?

Form or Function? How about Form and Function? The eternal fight between form and function. Between show and effectiveness. Between being followed by a herd with questionable loyalty, and walking with a small group with unwavering conviction in your vision. Here’s a fancy looking video by HBX, Harvard‘s online programs platform. Professor Christensen undoubtedly sounds like…


Amazon Go, This is How You Could Go

Earlier this year, Amazon announced its Amazon Go concept. The cashier-free, and hopefully hassle-free grocery store. The news did seem to receive a disproportionate amount of public interest.    Sources: 1 – link, 2 – link Of course we’ve all had our share of standing in queues. Queues where cashiers billed and packed at a…

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India’s Roads and Bottlenecks

India’s Roads and Bottlenecks Bottlenecks and traffic jams on the streets. Are they an unavoidable phenomenon, or something we caused or created? Same with the lack of lane discipline in Indian drivers. Are drivers always to blame? Or could it be, that some part of the problem is because of how our roads are designed?…

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Phone of Reference

Phone of Reference Last year, Mumbai’s traffic police enforced a ban on cellphone use while driving. It was backed by a fairly high fine. They even went a step further and banned the use of hands-free devices while driving too. The extent of enforcing however, remains limited. The main reason for this is overworked traffic…


Recruiting in The Future

Image: source Recruiting in The Future For the longest time, there were distinct industries, and reasonably well defined job roles. And of course, an education system that did a brilliant batch-processing job of creating products people, that fit those roles. However, as people grew smarter, some of them worked hard to revamp the education system. They have been…


Now You Fool Me

Now You Fool Me “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” Whoever said that, must’ve really known conmen. Political parties disagree with the opposition, and vice versa. They even react to current events, whether…

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Sewage Popsicles

Sewage Popsicles Some Taiwanese art students recently created ice popsicles made purely out of sewage water. And the 100 varieties they showcased, reflects exactly how clean we’ve made our water bodies. With all due credit for their noble effort to send a strong message across, globally, here’s what I don’t understand. While humans stay dangerously…

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B-schools, MBA grads & Their Priorities

Many b-schools in India are tilting less toward business, management, and ethics; more toward finishing skills. With a strong (and often desperate) focus on placements, they go an extra mile to add superficiality to students. From a scary importance on cracking interviews, having a cocky attitude, and the ability to fib-on-the-fly. Unknowingly, they’re doing the students a great…

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Stop Glorifying terror

The world governments need to stop glorifying terror outfits. For starters, irrespective of what those terror groups might call themselves, what if victim countries gave them shameful and cowardly names. That way, the citizens wouldn’t fear them the way they currently do. Wayward or lost youngsters would probably be averse to joining such groups if…