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What’s the Worst that could Happen with Poorly Worded Menu Options?

Choices on mobile apps (also on any app) need to be worded appropriately so as not to cause any confusion in the user. This menu option on a sleep tracking app seemed to be a clean way to do it. A simple line that explains each option when selected. What’s the worst that could happen…

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Feature Suggestion for Todoist

In my last post, I recommended reading the book, To-do List Formula. I also shared my own key takeaways from the book. The book highly recommended the Todoist app to create and track tasks. I started using it ever since, and compared to all the apps I have used so far, I have found it…


Struggling with To-Do Lists and Staying Productive?

A lot of us struggle with staying productive. Especially so in these times of lockdown and uncertainties. And also when you are focusing on larger goals that don’t really offer much daily satisfaction of accomplishment. I have heard of some really brilliant people, especially from the behavioural science and behavioural economics communities, struggle with staying…

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What if the Comments Section on Social Media had a Search Feature?

Do you feel the need for a more effective comments section on social media? What if the comments section had a Search feature? Making it easier to search for comments, and to continue conversations in sub-threads.

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Reading and Writing Smarter

While looking up an old blogging account of mine, I stumbled upon a RattL ’em idea from many years ago. I had made a suggestion to Google, sometime in Feb., 2013 regarding composing of emails. People sometimes want to, or even unintentionally tend to write lengthy mails. And people’s attention spans have become shorter [or…

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Sample Size of One: Towards a Possible Solution

This post explores an alternative to fix the replication crisis (particularly in the behavioural science and economics fields, and if relevant, in other fields too). This post is in continuation to an earlier post titled Sample Size of One: The Rose Negotiations. It would help to read that one first before coming to this one….

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The Behaviour Triangle

A humorous take on the paradox that exists between the views of us common humans, versus that of psychologists, who take a slightly more empathetic view, and those behavioural science practitioners who try to leverage knowledge of human biases and drivers to grow business without it always being beneficial to customers themselves.

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Sample Size of One: The Rose Negotiations

Image: source The Replication Crisis is an ongoing crisis where it has been difficult or impossible to reproduce findings of scientific studies. The field of behavioural science too, has had its challenges with replicating past research findings. Some years ago, peer-reviewed scientific journal, Nature Human Behaviour, attempted to replicate 21 social and behavioural science studies…

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What if We could Mute Serial-Forwarders on WhatsApp Groups

What if WhatsApp had a feature that allows a user to mute specific person(s) in groups? The user who mutes another user on a group is simply not shown messages from that user.
And, both sides win. The serial forwarder gets whatever pleasure they get, and no one has to suffer for it.