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When Google messes User Experience

The bout between the tech giants Amazon and Google regarding Google’s payments related policy, that has been going on since 2022, has finally hit India recently, and the two giants have taken a big dump on user experience here. Users in India might no longer be able to buy digital goods on the Android Amazon…

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Why Are Americans consistently more Innovative and Entrepreneurial?

“What makes America so much more entrepreneurial and innovative than India?” That question has been in my head for many years now. Obvious recent contributions including Facebook, Tesla, and the immortal giants, Google, Amazon and Apple come first to mind. But the world we live in stands witness to enduring American inventions – the airplane, credit card, transistor, laser, the computer and…


Moral Dilemmas from the Future

Image: source I came across this extremely interesting article around the future of healthcare that gives us a peek into the near future. It also highlights increasing complexity and moral high seas that businesses need to, and will have to navigate around in the years to come. Google has been able to predict regional flu…

To Drive or not to Drive?

Image: source To Drive or not to Drive? There was an extremely interesting article on Business Insider recently about the future of driving. Transport saw one huge jump when horses as modes of transport were replaced, barely a century ago. And now. we are at another crossroads. The big question is about whether to replace…

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Big Bizarre

I dropped into the Big Bazaar store for a bit last night (not out of choice, if you must know). But I must say, they’ve really re-done the place, in a good way. Impressive, must say. The section as soon as I entered, was for clothes, and it  looked like a section at the more…


Google, Search Better

Google, Search Better You know how you sometimes Google something, but the results are random or irrelevant. And you know how Google has the +1 recommendation option on search results. Now, here’s a suggestion that should be considered for Google, shopping sites, and those offering search directly via Google. How about an option similar to…